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Virtual Hours (Vacation Days)
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Forde Library (Vacation Hours)
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Gift & Donation Policy

Gifts are accepted with the understanding that if they don't fit the criteria for selection, the Library may decide to add them to the collection or discard them. Gifted books will often be added to the collection using the same standards as material that has been purchased i.e., relevancy, coverage, currency and special purpose. The Library maintains the right to decide how all gifts will be used or disposed of, including retention, placement, cataloguing treatment, and other factors. The Library cannot accept materials under poor conditions and does not take responsibility for the appraisal of gift items.

Guidelines for Gifts & Donations to the Forde Library

  • The Director of Library Services or designee will receive all gifts and donations. 
  • To begin the process of donating, please fill out the Library Gift & Donation Form available on the Library website or call the Library at 868 662-2241 ext 2100.
  • Upon acceptance by the Library, the Library will furnish a Letter of Thanks to acknowledge the gift.

Monetary Donations

You may donate online using the Aoerion platform.

Firstly, fill out the Library Gift & Donation Form before payment. Then proceed to Aerion third-party payment. Enter the third-party payment key 52413010.

Printed Material Donations

The Library occasionally accepts gifts of new or gently used printed materials. Gifted materials are assessed according to how well they follow the academic and curriculum-based objectives of the University. The Director of Library Services evaluates all donated printed publications and then adds only those relevant to the organization's goals. For additional details regarding the assessment procedure, see the Evaluation Considerations below.

Evaluation Considerations

In addition to the criteria listed above, the Library's resources for processing and storing gift materials are restricted in terms of people, funding, and space. As a result, from time to time, the Forde Library occasionally turns down gifts since they don't match the size and intent of our collection. See mitigating circumstances below under which gifts may be rejected:

  • Duplicates of content already existing in the library's collection are rejected.
  • Journals and periodicals demand a lot of room, labour from staff members, and money for binding. Donations of print journals are typically turned down.
  • Goods with bad physical quality (such as crumbly paper, water damage, writing or underlining on pages, ripped or missing pages, etc.) are typically rejected.
  • Mouldy items are always refused. Mould risks patrons' health, gift materials and library collection.