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23 results found

Caribbean Search 


A thorough guide to English-language publications relevant to the nations and people of the Caribbean is offered by the multidisciplinary database Caribbean Search. The collection is the largest full-text content repository available to the region's academic, school, and public libraries, with over 730 Caribbean-focused scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, reports, and reference books.

CINAHL Complete


CINAHL Complete is a comprehensive database that provides easy access to 765 active full-text journals covering a range of nursing and allied health professions. It also includes fast lessons, evidence-based care sheets, and more.

Communication & Mass Media Complete


Communication & Mass Media Complete is a robust database for communication studies. With 275 active full-text communication journals, it is the second-largest database in the communication research database suite.

Coronavirus Research Database


Including coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, this database curates openly available content related to coronaviruses. It includes thousands of open-access articles from the world’s leading publishers as well as current research from pre-print repositories such as arXiv and will continue to grow and evolve as more is learned about the pandemic.

Digital National Security Archive‎


This archive presents a vast, expertly curated, comprehensive collection of significant primary source documents, arranged in collections, that are central to U.S. foreign and military policy since 1945. Subject Area(s):‎ Social Sciences , History

Dissertations & Theses Global‎


ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written before 1997. It contains a significant amount of new international dissertations and theses, both in citations and in full text.

Educational Administration Abstracts


Educational Administration Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering areas related to educational administration, including educational leadership, educational management, educational research, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 190,000 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline.

Education Research Complete


Education Research Complete is the definitive online resource for education research. Topics covered include all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education and all educational specialities, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. Education Research Complete provides indexing and abstracts for more than 2,100 journals and full text for more than 1,200 journals, and includes full text for nearly 500 books and monographs.



ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and research. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Content includes journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, dissertations and theses, and books dating back to 1966.



GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its scholarly, government and general-interest titles include content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 1,000,000 records and open-access full text for more than 15,000 records.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text


Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and nearly 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. This database also contains full text for more than 330 journals. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s.

Military Database


The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.

Nursing Reference Plus+


This database is designed specifically for nurses. This resource provides evidence-based information for point of care, continuing education, nursing research, and more. With Nursing Reference Plus (NRP), nurses can get answers to questions quickly, strengthen their nursing skills, and read full-text journal articles anytime and anywhere.

Nutrition Reference Center


Nutrition Reference center is the premier point-of-care tool designed specifically for dietitians and nutritionists; users can access trusted resources for education, practice and research to provide their patients with the highest level of care possible



OpenDissertations is an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. Created with the generous support of the H.W. Wilson Foundation and the Congregational Library & Archives in Boston, it incorporates EBSCO’s previously released American Doctoral Dissertations, and features additional dissertation metadata contributed by select colleges and universities from around the world. Providing researchers with citations to graduate research across a span of time, from the early 20th century to the present, this database will continue to grow through regular updates and new partnerships with graduate degree-granting institutions.

Points of View Reference Source


Points of View Reference Center is a full text database designed to provide students and schools with a series of controversial essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. Essays provide questions and materials for further thought and study and are accompanied by thousands of supporting articles from the world’s top political and societal publications.

Professional Development Collection


Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 520 high-quality education journals, including more than 350 peer-reviewed titles. It also contains more than 200 educational reports. The Professional Development Collection is the most comprehensive collection of full-text education journals in the world.

Publicly Available Content Database


Publicly Available Content Database is designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv as well as open access journals. Content includes journal articles, pre-prints, books, conference papers and reports.

Regional Business News


This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.

Research Library


Research Library provides one-stop access to a wide range of popular academic subjects. It is designed to cover the top 150 core academic subject reference areas - over 5,000 in full text - from 1971 forward. It features a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, and magazines.

SocINDEX with Full Text


SocINDEX with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive and highest-quality sociology research database. The database features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. SocINDEX with Full Text contains full text for more than 860 journals dating back to 1908. This database includes full text for more than 830 books and monographs and full text for over 16,800 conference papers.